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Showing posts from January, 2011


Im sitting in the middle of bags. Mostly empty. They should be full. I should have packed by now. Yeah yeah, what's new? This is my last night in my apartment in Kileleshwa. This is a leafy suburb in  Nairobi. (the capital city of Kenya) (In East Afrcia) (East of AFrica) Decided to write some sort of tribute or whatever to this place lest I forget where I started out. This was my first place as a wannabe adult going to work and all that. Unforch Im moving because it was too far from my work and I had become those lifeless people who spends 30% of their day starring out of a bus in a traffic jam. It was hurting my brain looking at what every single female is wearing and playing fashion police..or playing the game 'would I marry him if he had a really nice personality'.. So by the time I got to work..I was exhausted, every day.  So, got a place nearer work. Its called Ngumo..Its right next door Kibera. Maybe my dream of becoming a famous photo journalist can be realiz...