In the last couple of weeks Southern Africa has been experiencing extremely hot weather with temperatures as high as 44'C in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe. It has affected everyday life and comfort and concerns for health safety have come up. The Heat is On Risks from hot weather include: DEHYDRATION - Under normal circumstances the sweat we produce when we get hot keeps us cool when it evaporates from the surface of our skin. However, on extremely hot days, when we become dehydrated, or when we over-exert ourselves, this system can fail, and body temperature can start to climb to dangerous levels. This leads to heat stroke or exhaustion. HEAT STROKE - This can cause headaches, dizziness and muscle cramps, but it can also be life-threatening. Heat stroke is particularly dangerous because symptoms can come on very rapidly, and - unless you are watching for the signs - with very little warning. BURNING OF THE SKIN - Not only is sunburn painful, it can accelerate the a...
Diaries of a Media Medic..