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Showing posts from 2012

Averting Depression

How can we tell when depression is just a natural phase of life or a serious clinical illness which requires more than just a friend’s shoulder? Feeling sad is natural, especially after a stressful life situation or when your expectations have not been met. Disappointment is a normal part of life, granted. For example, it is normal to feel down after a major disappointment, or to have trouble sleeping or eating after a difficult relationship break-up. Usually, within a few days, perhaps after talking to a friend, we start to feel like ourselves again. But sometimes this feeling of sadness can go on for a little too long. It starts affecting your eating, work, sleep and even relationships. Here are the Top 5 easy ways to avert depression: 1. Exercise Allow those natural feel-good hormones to pump through your system. It doesn't have to be a hectic Billy Banks workout. Just a walk around the block after a meal is enough to keep you smiling.  2. Cook ...healthy fo...

The Nightmare named Internship: It was just a Dream

SteeTime started off as a travelogue. I was a medical student gallivanting around various cities in East and Southern Africa. It was extraordinary. So extraordinary I tried to put it in print and since the wave of blogging had ebbed into play; It's SteeTime was born. The thorough adventure that was Medical School came to an end and I left Uganda to pursue my internship in Nairobi, Kenya. In an article called My African Doctor experience I wrote: I graduated in 2009 and opted to do my internship in Kenya. I thought   I might as well, seeing as I’m on a roll with all this gallivanting around Africa. I was admitted into a district hospital smack-dab in the middle of Nairobi which people cheekily coined “Nai-robbery”. Our hospital was situated near an informal urban settlement, the famous Kibera slum. You can imagine how colourful each night call was. Casualty had drama that television could never match. Ranging from machete fight wounds to resuscitating babies delivered on the...

5 Surprising Lifestyle Choices that can lead to Infertility

"Young people, enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart's desire. But remember that God is going to judge you for whatever you do.  Don't let anything worry you or cause you pain. You aren't going to be young very long." Ecclesiastes 11:9-10  Carefree youth Sometimes decisions which we make when we are young may have lifelong consequences. Infertility is one of those consequences which leave people in deep regret especially if the cause was influenced by lifestyle decisions when they were younger which could have easily been avoided. Here is a list of the top 5 lifestyle choices which could lead to infertility: 1. Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Marijuana use affects males by decreasing the sperm count and the quality of the sperm. Heroin, cocaine, and crack cocaine use induces similar effects but places the user at increased risk for pelvic inflammatory disease and HIV infection. C...