Sometimes I come across a blog which touches me deeply. I went to school briefly with Dr Bashir Ahmed in Uganda. He is a Somali national and now a powerful activist for better health systems his war-torn country. His blog SomaliHealthWatch has many true and personal stories; stories of survival, sufferings and heroism. True heroes who have been forced to endure hunger, killings, rape and insecurity on a daily basis for more than 20 years. One in particular was about his account of getting through medical school despite all the hardships and about his triumph against all odds to realize his dream of becoming a doctor. A Trip To Ishaka Our plane touched Ugandan soil at 6.00pm local time. Immigration formalities were uneventful. Officers behind a high desk asked why we were entering Uganda. We showed them our admission letters. That was satisfactory. They stamped our passports with student visas and wished us good luck in our studies. The taxi driver guessed right w...
Diaries of a Media Medic..