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Showing posts from December, 2012

Averting Depression

How can we tell when depression is just a natural phase of life or a serious clinical illness which requires more than just a friend’s shoulder? Feeling sad is natural, especially after a stressful life situation or when your expectations have not been met. Disappointment is a normal part of life, granted. For example, it is normal to feel down after a major disappointment, or to have trouble sleeping or eating after a difficult relationship break-up. Usually, within a few days, perhaps after talking to a friend, we start to feel like ourselves again. But sometimes this feeling of sadness can go on for a little too long. It starts affecting your eating, work, sleep and even relationships. Here are the Top 5 easy ways to avert depression: 1. Exercise Allow those natural feel-good hormones to pump through your system. It doesn't have to be a hectic Billy Banks workout. Just a walk around the block after a meal is enough to keep you smiling.  2. Cook ...healthy fo...