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The Nightmare named Internship: It was just a Dream

SteeTime started off as a travelogue. I was a medical student gallivanting around various cities in East and Southern Africa. It was extraordinary. So extraordinary I tried to put it in print and since the wave of blogging had ebbed into play; It's SteeTime was born.

The thorough adventure that was Medical School came to an end and I left Uganda to pursue my internship in Nairobi, Kenya. In an article called My African Doctor experience I wrote:

I graduated in 2009 and opted to do my internship in Kenya. I thought  I might as well, seeing as I’m on a roll with all this gallivanting around Africa. I was admitted into a district hospital smack-dab in the middle of Nairobi which people cheekily coined “Nai-robbery”. Our hospital was situated near an informal urban settlement, the famous Kibera slum. You can imagine how colourful each night call was. Casualty had drama that television could never match. Ranging from machete fight wounds to resuscitating babies delivered on the side of the road. Poverty was advert and we frequently had patients treated who could not pay the hospital bill. They would become ‘discharge-in’s’ who simply occupied beds with no apparent ailment. 

Paediatrics department was terribly full because government policy was for free treatment for under-fives. As an intern, we had to man the ward of over a hundred children, about ten in intensive care and also put in canula’s for as many whose IV lines tissued. And deal with whatever emergency cropped up. One cannot forget this experience. Every morning, we would have to present all the cases of new admissions and reviews of the children in acute room to our senior consultants who still asked you difficult questions of theory. Meanwhile you were just happy the children were still breathing!

Obstetrics and Gynaecology rotation had similar feats. We were taught in the first 3 weeks how to perform a Ceasarian sections. From that moment forth if you were on call it was your duty to do it. You had to diagnose the emergency and organize for the surgical team to show up and do the surgery in a timely manner. You did not expect to sleep when you were on Obs-Gyn call because even on a calm night the midwives would call you for the most minor complaints. Emergency procedures became our specialties being capable of treating eclampsia, post-partum haemorrhage, rupture ectopic pregnancies and others very well and unsupervised.

The work overload became routine, seeing the same diseases over and over. HIV has a 6% prevalence in Kenya which is still high for a population of 40million people. Hypertension and Diabetes Type 2 had special clinics because their prevalence was rising at an alarming rate due to the ‘coca-colarization’ phenomenon. Major surgeries were still performed by the surgeons but any needing specialized care were referred to the national referral hospital. As, interns we still had to do any minor surgeries such as basic STS’s, incision and drainages and excision of foreign bodies. Lignocaine was frequently carried in one’s coat pocket because you always needed it.

Do I miss internship days? Most certainly. Would I do it again?


  1. mmmh at 'Nai-robbery...that's quite cheeky. At you had 'discharge-in's' lol i like waiting for one... 'life as medic in nazareth hosp.' keep up with your writting wits'


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