I am the queen of yo-yo diets. You name it, I have tried it. Atkins, Caveman, Vegetarian, 6 hours of the Beyonce Diet...and the list goes on. In school most of my weight was kept off because I played a lot of sport but this waned in university. Now my physical activity is limited to one or two evening hikes during the week. Thus we are back to some fad diet. Currently I am on the low-carbohydrate Atkin's diet which has made me quite irritable and moody in the last 3 days. (Its a wonder I'm even blogging.) But I thought it important to let ladies out there know that some of these extreme diets can have adverse effects that you may not expect. Fad diets may produce short-term gains but long-term consequences Let's take a look at some of these problems: 1. Reduced Metabolism and Weight Gain Severe calorie restriction can cause reduction in a person's metabolism, or the rate at which calories from food convert into energy. The body may go into "s...
Diaries of a Media Medic..