The African girl child is the lowest denomination of a human being. Think about it. Being a woman. Being black. Being a child. Being African. Each of these have had a hashtag or two advocating for their rights on social media. Imagine being all the above? We could add to these factors - poverty, no education, wrangle in political instability, war, drought, famine. How is any girl supposed to make it against these insurmountable odds? And yet. They rise. Still they rise. I have specialized in field epidemiology. It is an unexpected passion. I always knew I would do something a little different but battling the elements, interviewing communities and producing document upon document is a little out there. And I love it. I recently evaluated a mentorship programme for vulnerable girls in Zimbabwe called Sista2sista in one of the countries' provinces and my findings were impressive. The Sista2sista programme was launched in Zimbabwe in September 2013. The aim of the Sista2Sista ...
Diaries of a Media Medic..