Stay positive! Look up, love, laugh and live! Don’t worry, be happy! Sometimes you smile because you are happy, and sometimes you can become happy because you smiled. Sound familiar? I am sure you have seen these type of status posts with motivational messages on friends’ social media pages. You know those pictures with the inspirational messages. But sometimes it’s just not sinking into your core. You can’t smile. You can’t be positive. All the tricks are not working. You just feel sad. How can we tell when depression is just a natural phase of life or a serious clinical illness which requires more than just a friend’s shoulder? Feeling sad is natural, especially after a stressful life situation or when your expectations have not been met. Disappointment is a normal part of life, granted. For example, it is normal to feel down after a major disappointment, or to have trouble sleeping or eating after a difficult relationship break-up. Usually, within a few days, perhaps after talk...
Diaries of a Media Medic..